Basement Wall Crack Repair Decatur IL

Basement Wall Crack Repair Decatur IL – Pivotal Basement Solutions – Call 217-860-0500

If there is a basement in your home or commercial building, take a close look at the walls. You’ll most likely find at least a few cracks. Don’t worry through – this is normal and probably not cause for concern.

However it’s helpful to know how these cracks happen and when to call for Basement Wall Crack Repair Decatur IL if they get larger.

What Causes Basement Walls to Form Cracks?

-Stress points. It’s not unusual to be in practically any size basement and spot a few cracks on the walls here and there. While they can cause frustration for homeowners, they’re a pretty typical occurrence. One of the causes of wall cracks are stress points.

They can happen during installation of lines for gas, sewer or electric.

Stress weakens the integrity of concrete and can result in cracking. They also commonly occur at the corners of windows, which is one of the first places contractors often check while assessing a foundation for Basement Wall Crack Repair Decatur IL.

Basement Wall Crack Repair Decatur IL

-Soil saturation. This basically means wet ground. During the construction of your basement, the use of footings was required for support. These are found at the base of the walls and serve to provide critical support for the house.

If the soil underneath the footings becomes too saturated, the footings can start to settle. Consequently, this can lead to cracks on the walls.

When oversaturation occurs, the soil around the foundation will usually expand. Most foundations are made to withstand the pressure, which means the additional weight of saturated, heavy soil can cause the walls to move inward. This is when you’ll notice cracks developing on the corners of windows and walls.

Causes of oversaturation can include poor gutters, incorrect grading or lack of downspout extensions.